Wilderness Leadership Journey

Study tour // November 2024 

Design uden navn-kopi


9 Days



14-23 November 2024

Design uden navn-1

ECTS points

4.5 ECTS points



Leadership Expert, Steve Hall

Design uden navn


South Africa


Tuition Fee

DKK 34.500 excl. VAT, flights tickets and travel insurance 

About the Journey

Leadership comes in multiple colors, being able to inspire and grow … self, people and the wider community where your business operates.

Purpose of the program is multi-faceted, but has a natural focus on personal awareness, clarity of own priorities, and building authenticity.

Learning outcomes are many, different, and individual. You will be moving into unchartered territory – leaving your comfort zone for a short period of time. Connecting and reconnecting with true wilderness has a profound impact on souls. Be immersed in rural communities with extreme and different socio-economic challenges generate reflections, perspectives, and understanding. You will step into the unknown and receive inspiration and even more questions to the complexity of life.

Why should anyone be led by you? What is your purpose, do you make a difference, and for who? What path are you taking? Essential questions, not easy to answer …. but worth searching for.

AVT Business School is proud to announce that this intimate study tour will take a close look at your personal leadership track and challenge you at various levels – personal as professional. You will be immersed in a nation that has been touched by giant leaders like Gandhi and Mandela – be prepared to be inspired. Where does your inner compass lead you?


Deadline for sign up is August 1st. NB: there is a limited number of seats.




All special wilderness equipment is included: Provided by our local partner i.e., backpack, sleeping mattress etc. You should only bring personal stuff (a full recommended pack list will be provided).

Study Materials 

Study materials is included in the fee and will be distributed before take-off.




Physical Fitness

The daily trail walks are not strenuous – no climbs, but warm weather, river crossings, rain and uneven terrain can challenge. You should be able to carry an est. 20 kg backpack.

MBA Hjul-2

Single Course - Merit to MBA

The Executive MBA Courses are all part of the Executive MBA program at AVT Business School and offer insight into specific topics.

When you sign up for one or more Executive MBA Courses at AVT Business School will receive merit for the Executive MBA Course attended.

The study tour is an optional part of the AVT CBA and MBA program and allows you to omit one of the mandatory leadership courses. All students including alumni are welcome. Final assignment assessment is only required for those aiming for a course merit.

Book Online Meeting

   Contact Us

  • Call Us on +45 7020 8828
  • Email Us on info@avt.dk
  • Book a 15 Min Call in the calendar on the left
  • Sign up for the course below

Booking of Wilderness Personal Leadership Journey