The Innovator's DNA & Method
Bestselling Author Curtis Lefrandt

2 months

3-4 February 2025
8.30 am - 5 pm

ECTS points
4.5 ECTS points

CEO and Co-founder of the Innovator’s DNA consultancy, and Bestselling Author Curtis Lefrandt

Sankt Annæ pl. 11, 1250 København

Tuition Fee
DKK 26.500 exclusive of VAT
About the Course
Many organizations are designed for execution, not innovation. But as uncertainty increases in the world, the way we manage must change to meet these circumstances. This course teaches managers and leaders new practices to bring new products and services into the market. These practices are called The Innovator's Method. The concept is an end-to-end process inside established organizations through a series of experimentation cycles that resolve the uncertainties around the problem you're trying to solve, the solution you propose, and the business model to take your solution to market.
The tools emerge from lean start-up, design thinking, and agile software development that are revolutionizing how new ideas are created, refined, and brought to market. To date this Method has helped entrepreneurs, designers, and software developers manage uncertainty - through cheap and rapid experiments that systematically lower failure rates and risk.
Learning Objectives
- Generate insights from practicing the five discovery skills
- Conduct qualitative research with customers and potential customers to better understand the problem to be solved
- Generate solutions and rapidly test them to increase speed to market and decrease risk

Curtis Lefrandt
CEO and Co-founder of the Innovator’s DNA consultancy, and Harvard Business Publishing Bestselling Author
Curtis Lefrandt has developed a range of innovation training offerings and tools designed to help organizations build a culture and capability of innovation in his consulting company iDNA.
He is a frequent keynote speaker, facilitator, and trainer of innovation for a range of industries and Fortune 500 organizations, including, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco, Danaher, and Caterpillar. Prior to iDNA, Lefrandt worked as a consultant at Innosight, in venture capital investing, and as part of the iPod team at Apple.
Rating of Curtis Lefrandt

Case Materials
The course material consists of a textbook, case studies and articles.
Students are required to attend all classes and to participate actively.
Students are required to read all course material in advance.
Students will be graded on attendance and participation in class and on an individual paper.

Single Course - Merit to MBA
The Executive MBA Courses are all part of the Executive MBA program at AVT Business School and offer insight into specific topics.
When you sign up for one or more Executive MBA Courses at AVT Business School will receive merit for the Executive MBA Course attended.
Meet Professor Curtis Lefrandt
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